Greece News

World Economies Prepare for Panic after Greek Elections

Authorities in the world’s major economies are preparing for a possible market storm or public panic after cliffhanger Greek elections this weekend, officials said on Thursday, should radical leftists win and cast doubt on the nation’s future in the euro …

Global Downturn Puts Investors, Companies in Retreat

Gripped by fears that Europe’s debt crisis is driving the world economy into a ditch, companies are delaying plans to raise capital and canceling deals, while investors are taking refuge in cash or any other place they think their money …

EU Trade Credit Insurers Considering Restrictions on Greek Coverage

Euler Hermes, the world’s No. 1 trade credit insurer, said it might restrict the cover it provides to exporters doing business with Greece, citing fears the debt-laden nation could be forced out of the euro. “Euler Hermes will most probably …

Tackling Euro Zone Crisis is Top Priority for G8 Leaders

Leaders of major industrial economies meet this weekend to try to tackle a full-blown crisis in Europe where fears are growing that Greece could leave the euro zone bloc, threatening the future of the common currency. President Barack Obama, the …

Maybe Europe Should Abandon the Euro Says Canada’s Finance Minister

If European countries are not prepared to bail out fellow euro zone members, maybe they should just abandon the whole concept of a common currency, Canadian Finance Minister Jim Flaherty said on Monday in some of his most direct remarks …

IMF Head Sees Global Economy on Recovery Path, but Risks Remain

The global economy has stepped back from the brink of danger and signs of stabilization are emerging from the euro zone and the United States, but high debt levels in developed markets and rising oil prices are key risks ahead, …

Greece Averts Immediate Default with Bond Swap Deal Success

Greece averted the immediate risk of an uncontrolled default, winning strong acceptance from its private creditors for a bond swap deal which will ease its massive public debt and clear the way for a new international bailout. The finance ministry …

Bondholder Group Sees Over $131.8 Trillion Greek Default Risk

A disorderly Greek default would probably leave Italy and Spain needing outside help to stop contagion spreading and cause more than €1 trillion ($1.318 trillion) of damage to the euro zone, the group representing Athens’ bondholders warned. Greek private creditors …

Report: Greek Bondholders – Banks and Insurers – Set for 74% Haircuts

Banks are set to lose almost three-quarters of the value of their Greek government bonds under a deal agreed early on Tuesday, slightly more than they had planned, people familiar with the matter said. Investors had previously expected to suffer …

Euro Zone Ministers Reject Private Bondholders’ Offer on Greek Bonds

Euro zone finance ministers on Monday rejected as insufficient an offer made by private bondholders to help restructure Greece’s debts, sending negotiators back to the drawing board and raising the threat of Greek default. At a meeting in Brussels, ministers …