green building News

A Look at Smart Buildings and Construction Risks

With “smart” building becoming the gold standard in today’s commercial construction world, builders, building owners, workers and insurers are dealing with new technologies and risks. These smart technologies — from high tech gadgets aimed at increasing building efficiencies to wearable …

Rotting Wood Product in Post-Katrina Built Homes May Spark Legal Action

Actor Brad Pitt’s Make It Right Foundation, which has built 100 energy-efficient new homes in the Hurricane Katrina-ravaged Lower 9th Ward in New Orleans, is considering legal action against the manufacturer of an innovative glass-infused wood that was used in …

New Illinois Law Aims to Help Prevent Flooding by ‘Going Green’

Gov. Pat Quinn has signed legislation to help Illinois communities prevent flooding by “going green.” Quinn signed the bill in the Chicago suburb of Orland Park, one of the communities hit hard by flooding this spring. State law requires municipalities …

Greensburg, Kansas, About Half Way Through Master Plan for Recovery

The only thing more amazing than seeing a row of space-agey buildings rising from western Kansas plains is the fact that there’s anything there at all. It’s been nearly five years since an F5 tornado obliterated most of Greensburg. The …

Green Retrofitting Surpasses New Green Construction for First Time

Green retrofitting of commercial buildings is outpacing the construction of new green buildings, according to a new report issued this week. The trend could mean that more building owners may believe that bringing their buildings up to Leadership in Energy …