greenhouse gas emissions News

Social Inflation or Science: What Is Fueling Climate Litigation?

A rising amount of litigation tied to the environmental and health impacts of greenhouse gas emissions prompted a question from the leader of a liability risk analytics company recently: “Is it about climate liability or the liability climate?” Robert Reville, …

Analysis of German Activists’ Climate Lawsuit Against BMW and Daimler

BERLIN – German activists have filed a lawsuit against automakers BMW and Daimler for refusing to tighten carbon emissions goals, the first time German citizens have sued private companies for exacerbating climate change. The lawsuit from the heads of Deutsche …

Global Warming Could Kill 83 Million People by Turn of Next Century: Study

A population equivalent to that of Germany — 83 million people — could be killed by 2100 because of rising temperatures caused by greenhouse-gas emissions, according to a new study that might influence how markets price carbon pollution. The research …

Climate Models May Have Underestimated Impact of Extreme Weather Events

As scientists gather online to finalize a long-awaited update on global climate research, recent extreme weather events across the globe highlight the need for more research on how it will play out, especially locally. The list of extremes in just …

Eight Leading Insurers and Reinsurers Launch Net-Zero Climate Alliance

Eight of the world’s leading insurance and reinsurance companies on Sunday launched an alliance to help speed up a transition to a net zero emissions economy. The companies, which include Europe’s top three insurers by premiums – Allianz, AXA and …

Major UK Asset Manager Divests from Insurer AIG over Climate Policies

Legal & General Investment Management will sell holdings in four companies including U.S insurer American International Group Inc. after deeming they’re making insufficient progress on addressing climate change risks. The UK asset manager said in a statement on Tuesday it …

Keystone XL Oil Pipeline Is Terminated After Years of Climate Activism

TC Energy Corp. has ended its 16-year quest to build the Keystone XL oil pipeline, a controversial cross-border project that became a litmus test for climate activism and was blocked by President Joe Biden. Calgary-based TC Energy said in a …

Climate Change Protesters Set Off Stink Bomb at Lloyd’s of London in Ongoing Activism

Climate change protesters continued their focus on Lloyd’s as a major insurer of the fossil fuel industry by setting off a stink bomb in front of the market’s London headquarters. The activist group, Insurance Rebellion, is demanding the UK government …

Bank of England Plans to Nudge Companies to Cut Greenhouse Gas Emissions

LONDON – The Bank of England set out plans on Friday to use its 20 billion pounds ($28.4 billion) of corporate bond holdings to nudge companies to cut greenhouse gas emissions faster, part of a wider government strategy to achieve …

Warming Arctic Permafrost Will Make It Harder to Curb Climate Change: Study

The warming Arctic tundra will make it harder for the world to curb climate change, as thawing permafrost and wildfires release greenhouse gases that are not fully accounted for in global emissions agreements, a study said on Monday. As temperatures …