greenhouse gas emissions News

Venice Hotels Suffer Nearly $34M in Damages from November’s Floods

Venice’s hoteliers association estimates that the city’s hotels suffered about 30 million euros ($34 million) worth of structural damage during November’s floods. The overall losses, though, are higher after adding in the lower revenues that local hotels have reported in …

Venice Suffers 2nd High Tide in a Week as Italy Declares State of Emergency

Venice suffered its second exceptionally high tide in a week, with waters rising 154 centimeters (61 inches) above their benchmark late morning Friday, the Ansa news agency reported. The historic city is still reeling from the 187-centimeter tide it recorded …

Venice Floods, Australia Wildfires Blamed on Climate Change

Extreme floods in Venice, fires in Australia and even an outbreak of plague in China have been attributed to climate change this week, while researchers have warned that global warming could saddle future generations with life-long illness. Venice declared a …

Australia’s Pro-Coal Prime Minister Signals War on Climate Change Activists

Radical. Extreme. Anarchists: Scott Morrison’s choice of language Friday made it clear how he views some environmental protesters. Now the Australian prime minister is signaling he will legislate to stymie what he says is their threat to commercial decisions and …

U.N. Science Panel Warns Climate Impacts on Oceans Include Rising Seas, Dry Rivers

Scientists behind a landmark study of the links between oceans, glaciers, ice caps and the climate delivered a stark warning to the world on Wednesday: slash emissions or watch cities vanish under rising seas, rivers run dry and marine life …

Oil Industry’s $50 Billion in New Projects Conflict with Paris Climate Goals: Think Tank

Major oil companies have approved $50 billion of projects since last year that will not be economically viable if governments implement the Paris Agreement on climate change, think-tank Carbon Tracker said in a report published on Friday. The analysis found …

Germany’s Forests Damaged by Droughts and Wildfires, Stoking Climate Debate

Germany’s forests – long a source of pride and national identity – are feeling the heat. A second consecutive year of unusually dry and warm weather has left swaths of dead and dying trees, fueling fears that the storied woods …

CBA Joins Other Australian Companies with Aims to Cut Coal Exposure

Commonwealth Bank of Australia became the latest company to join a global push to reduce emissions and said it would phase out its exposure to thermal coal or power plants by 2030. The company announced a new environmental and social …

Europe’s Heatwave Was Even Hotter with Impact of Climate Change: Research

Heat scorched Western Europe this July in what will likely be confirmed as the hottest month in recorded history, according to the UN’s World Meteorological Organization. “This is not your grandfather’s summer,” United Nations Secretary General Antonio Gutierrez said. The …

UK Recorded Highest-Ever Temperature in Last Week’s Heatwave

The U.K. was never hotter. Last week temperatures reached 101.6 degrees Fahrenheit (38.7 Celsius) at the Cambridge Botanic Garden on July 25, the highest ever recorded in the U.K., according to a statement from the Met Office. Sweltering temperatures gripped …