greenhouse gas emissions News

January Was World’s Hottest on Record: EU Scientists

The world just experienced its hottest January on record, continuing a run of exceptional heat fueled by climate change, the European Union’s Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) said on Thursday. Last month surpassed the previous warmest January, which occurred in …

EU Agrees to Path to Compete in Clean Tech Production

European Union policymakers agreed new rules on Tuesday to promote local production of equipment for solar and wind power, fuel cells and other clean technologies and help Europe’s industry compete with Chinese and U.S. rivals. The bloc aims to set …

EU Recommends Ambitious 2040 Climate Target, Goes Light on Farming

The European Commission recommended on Tuesday that the EU slash net greenhouse gas emissions by 90% by 2040, an ambitious target that will test political appetite for the region’s fight against climate change ahead of EU elections. Europe’s climate agenda …

Climate Change Poses Significant Risk for South African Insurers: Old Mutual

Climate change poses the most significant threat for South African insurance companies and risks raising premiums and the cost of reinsurance, a top official at its biggest insurer by assets said. After staying almost flat in the decade to 2020, …

EU Auditors Say Real CO2 Emissions From Most Cars Have Not Fallen

Real CO2 emissions from most passenger cars on EU roads are the same as 12 years ago despite reduction targets set in 2010 for newly registered vehicles, putting in jeopardy Europe’s green agenda, the European Court of Auditors (ECA) said …

Near Record Jump in CO2 Emissions This Year Risks Climate Goal

Carbon dioxide emissions are on track for one of the biggest increases on record this year, pushing the planet closer to catastrophic climate change. That jump is the result human-induced pollution, plus the El Niño weather pattern, which weakens the …

Iceland’s Volcanic Eruption Is Dramatic. But It Won’t Cool the Planet.

A volcanic eruption on Iceland’s Reykjanes Peninsula sent lava flowing through a 4-kilometer (2.5-mile) crack in the Earth’s crust. The eruption began in earnest on Monday and occurred near the evacuated fishing town of Grindavík, with lava shooting into the …

Nations Strike Deal at COP28 to Transition Away From Fossil Fuels

Representatives from nearly 200 countries agreed at the COP28 climate summit on Wednesday to begin reducing global consumption of fossil fuels to avert the worst of climate change, a first of its kind deal signaling the eventual end of the …

Humanity on Verge of 5 Climate Tipping Points, Report Warns

Five major global “tipping points” are in danger of being crossed at current levels of warming, a new study warns, leaving humanity at an inflection point between two potential futures. An international team of more than 200 researchers identified 26 …

Global Carbon Emissions From Fossil Fuels to Hit Record Peak in 2023: Report

The Global Carbon Project, an international collaboration of scientists, estimates that worldwide carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels will rise 1.1% this year over 2022, to 36.8 billion metric tons. That’s a new peak and 1.4% higher than the …