greenhouse gas reduction News

AXIS Capital Commits to Greenhouse Gas Reduction Goals

AXIS Capital Holdings Ltd. announced its commitment to a 50% absolute reduction of Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2030 across its global operations. The action is the company’s latest step in its ambition to transition to …

Maryland Senate Passes Measure to Fight Climate Change

The Maryland Senate voted Friday for a package of steps to fight climate change by planting 5 million trees over 10 years, increasing energy efficient buildings and committing to more electric state vehicle use. The measure would require the Maryland …

Tampa’s Vehicles Will Soon Be Able to Talk to Each Other

Buses, streetcars and private vehicles in Tampa, Fla., will soon be able to talk to each other. Officials said last week that Tampa is one of three places selected for a pilot program that allows vehicles to communicate with each …