greenhouse gases News

Weather-Related Disasters Occurred Almost Daily in Past Decade: U.N. Report

Weather related disasters such as floods and heatwaves have occurred almost daily in the past decade, almost twice as often as two decades ago, with Asia being the hardest hit region, a U.N. report said on Monday. While the report …

Global Temperature Rise on Track to Hit Half-Way Point of ‘Tolerable Threshold’

The world is on track to reach 1 degree Celsius of global warming this year since the industrial revolution, the half-way point toward the maximum tolerable threshold identified by scientists. That’s the conclusion of the Met Office, the U.K. government-backed …

10 Oil & Gas Bosses Seek to Improve Image Before Climate Change Summit

Oil and gas industry bosses called for an “effective” agreement at the United Nations climate change summit in December, recognizing that current greenhouse gas emissions were inconsistent with the goal of limiting global warming. The leaders of 10 companies said …

Pacific Islanders Plead for Action on Climate Change as Sea Levels Rise

The village where Anote Tong attended school some 40 years ago is no longer there. As the Pacific Ocean encroached on the settlement, the villagers left for higher ground. “There is a church building and a meeting house, but nobody …

Governments Must Act to Cap Global Warming at UN Summit: Reinsurers

Politicians must act to cap global warming when they meet at a United Nations summit at the end of the year as the financial and humanitarian consequences of natural catastrophes become ever clearer, reinsurers meeting at an industry conference said. …

U.S. Warns of Dire Consequences If No Global Action on Climate Change

Labor productivity would dwindle as workers wilt in the heat. Summers in Illinois would feel like a Louisiana swamp. Epic downpours and surging seas of the future would leave $5 trillion in losses. And worsening air quality would result in …

G-7 Pushes for Zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions by End of This Century

Some of the world’s richest nations threw their weight behind a plan to stamp out fossil-fuel emissions by the end of the century in an unprecedented show of unity on climate change. The Group of Seven is pushing to “decarbonize,” …

Investors Must Factor Climate Change in Their Portfolio Risk: Mercer Study

Most investors need to make a significant behavioral shift and start factoring climate change into their portfolio risk management, a study on its impact on financial market returns found. Government officials are meeting in Germany this month to work on …

NOAA Research Warns Global Warming Continues Unabated

The pace of global warming hasn’t slowed since 1998, a finding that contradicts a major United Nations study and challenges a key argument of skeptics of manmade climate change. Temperatures since 2000 have risen at a pace that is “virtually …

CEOs of 43 Companies, Including Allianz, Call for Action on Climate Change

The bosses of 43 companies including Ikea, Dow Chemical Co. and HSBC Holdings plc called for swift action on climate change, a sign businesses are prepared for a United Nations deal this year on limiting fossil fuel emissions. The chief …