Greenland News

Arctic Nations Step up Cooperation on Safety, Oil Spills

Arctic nations agreed on Thursday to improve cooperation including on preventing oil spills as a thaw of ice and snow opens access to the remote region’s rich mineral and petroleum resources. The Arctic Council, comprising eight countries that surround the …

Arctic Nations Meet to Chart Future of World’s Final Frontier

Leaders of Arctic nations will gather in Greenland this week to chart future cooperation as global warming sets off a race for oil, mineral, fishing and shipping opportunities in the world’s fragile final frontier. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton …

World Sea Levels Could Rise over Five Feet by 2100

Quickening climate change in the Arctic including a thaw of Greenland’s ice could drive world sea levels by up to 1.6 meters (5 ft. 3 in.) by 2100, an international report said on Tuesday. Such a rise — above most …