gridlock News

Autonomous Cars Could Worsen Gridlock. Smart Intersections Could Help.

In the not-so-distant future, city streets could be flooded with autonomous vehicles. Self-driving cars can move faster and travel closer together, allowing more of them to fit on the road – potentially leading to congestion and gridlock on city streets. …

Smartcars Could Cause Traffic Headaches

Traffic jams in the future could cause potentially dangerous data snarl-ups as cars packed with entertainment, safety and navigation features vie for airwaves with smartphones, tablets and networked features in other vehicles, according to a study. By 2024, mobile networks …

Washington Gridlock Continues Over Consumer Financial Protection Agency

The answer to the Final Jeopardy! question of who will be the first director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau will not become known today. In fact, it may be a while before there is an answer. Senate Republicans say …