guest commentary News

Viewpoint: Florida High Court Tapped Brakes On Dangerous Instrumentality Liability

Floridians concerned about liability when sharing their automobiles with children or friends can relax a bit after the Florida Supreme Court’s recent ruling on the state’s long-standing dangerous instrumentality doctrine. Its decision in Emerson v. Lambert, SC 2020-1311(Fla. Nov. 16, …

Don’t Forget About Continuing Ed for Transportation Insurance Professionals

In the fast-paced and ever-changing world of insurance, staying up-to-date with industry trends, regulations, and best practices is paramount. For insurance professionals serving the transportation industry, this is even more crucial due to the sector’s unique challenges and complexities. That’s …

Ahem, Florida Lawmakers: State Insurance Market Badly Needs an Oil Change

As the Florida Legislature prepares for its 2nd Special Session on property insurance in 2022, it’s time we examine why our market sputtered out of control and discuss the necessary solutions to fix it. Many Floridians are wondering: How could …