Gulf Coast Claims Facility News

Gulf Oil Spill Claims Czar Seeks Dismissal of BP Suit

The administrator of BP Plc’s settlement with thousands of people and businesses who sued over the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill urged a federal judge on Monday to end the company’s lawsuit over how he determines damages claims. BP …

BP Says $332 Million in Florida Oil Spill Claims Approved

The administrator of a class-action settlement between petroleum giant BP and oil spill claimants said that more than 34,000 Florida businesses and individuals so far have been approved to receive $332 million. Patrick Juneau was in Tallahassee to meet with …

BP Oil Spill Settlement Payments Exceed $1B Mark

Businesses and individuals who claim BP’s oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico cost them money have been paid more than $1 billion through the company’s class action settlement with a team of private plaintiffs’ attorneys, court-supervised claims administrator Patrick …

New Gulf Oil Spill Claims Process to Begin

Thousands of victims of BP’s 2010 Gulf oil spill will participate in a new process for economic-loss and medical claims associated with the accident. The Deepwater Horizon Claims Center, run by court-appointed administrator Patrick Juneau, will open 18 intake centers …

Audit of Gulf Oil Spill Claims Fund Finds $64 Million in Underpayments

An audit of the $20 billion fund for paying victims of the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill found “significant errors” that led to about 7,300 claimants who were underpaid receiving an extra $64 million, the U.S. Justice Department said …

Gulf Oil Spill: Tales of 3 Plaintiffs

The phone at Joan Strohmeyer’s fishing lodge in Venice, Louisiana, has been ringing steadily since 2010, but not many of the calls are from customers who want to go fishing. Mainly, they are from lawyers who want her to sue …

BP Seeks Settlement with Oil Spill Plaintiffs

BP Plc is seeking to settle a lawsuit over the massive 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill by tapping into a $14 billion fund it set aside to compensate fishermen and businesses harmed by the disaster, lawyers familiar with the …

Year Old Gulf Oil Spill Claims Fund Has Paid $5 Billion

The Gulf Coast Claims Facility set up to handle claims from the BP oil disaster has paid out $5 billion after one year of operation. It has paid 204,434 individual and business with a total of 359,441 claims. Established by …

Mississippi Sues BP Gulf Oil Claims Fund

Mississippi Attorney General Jim Hood filed a lawsuit Tuesday to force Kenneth Feinberg, administrator of BP’s $20 billion fund for Gulf Coast oil spill compensation, to release documents it says it needs to ensure claimants are adequately compensated. The complaint …

One Year After BP Oil Spill, Optimism on Gulf Coast

A year after the worst U.S. offshore oil spill swamped the Gulf coast with petroleum and misery, officials Wednesday declared the hard-hit region reborn. It is still too early to know the long-term damage to the Gulf’s rich and complex …