Gulf oil spill News

U.S. Charges 2 Oil Workers With Allowing Gulf of Mexico Oil Spills

Two Fieldwood Energy LLC oil workers face federal criminal charges for allegedly separately allowing crude oil spills from offshore U.S. Gulf of Mexico platforms to avoid required shut downs. The two were indicted Tuesday for spills in 2015 and 2018, …

A Decade After Gulf Oil Spill, a New Wave of BP Lawsuits Hits Courts

A new wave of lawsuits against BP is hitting the federal courts nearly a decade after the Gulf oil spill. The new litigation is the result of a court ruling that blocks thousands of people from a medical settlement negotiated …

New Federal Study Contradicts Owner’s Claims About Years-Long Gulf Oil Spill

A new federally led study of oil seeping from a platform toppled off Louisiana’s coast 141/2 years ago found releases lower than other recent estimates, but contradicts the well owner’s assertions about the amount and source of oil. Oil and …

Trial Over, Judge to Decide Extent of BP’s Penalties for Gulf Oil Spill

The latest phase of a trial to determine how much BP should pay in Clean Water Act penalties for the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill โ€” which could reach $13.7 billion โ€” ended on Feb. 2, but a decision …

Halliburton Agrees to $1.1 Billion Gulf Oil Claims Settlement

Halliburton Co. agreed to pay $1.1 billion to settle a majority of lawsuits brought over its role in the largest offshore oil spill in U.S. history. The agreement is subject to court approval and includes legal fees, the Houston-based company …

BP, Government Spar Over How Much Oil Spilled Into Gulf

Lawyers for BP Plc and the federal government sparred on Monday over the methods competing teams of scientists used to estimate the size of the company’s 2010 oil spill in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico. U.S. District Judge Carl Barbier …

BP to Ask UK Government to Intervene on Gulf Spill Payments: BBC

British oil company BP wants Prime Minister David Cameron to intervene with the U.S. government over the escalating cost of compensating U.S. companies for the Gulf of Mexico oil disaster in 2010, the BBC reported Thursday. BP is still fighting …

Halliburton Seeking Settlement Over Gulf Oil Spill

BP’s cement contractor on the drilling rig that exploded in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010 announced that it is trying to negotiate a settlement over its role in the disaster, a focus of trial testimony that ended last week. …

Halliburton in Talks Over Gulf Oil Spill Settlement, Takes Charge

Halliburton Co. is in talks to settle private claims against it in a trial to determine how blame should be shared for the 2010 Gulf of Mexico spill, the company said on Monday, and it took a $1 billion pretax …

New Gulf Oil Spill Claims Process to Begin

Thousands of victims of BP’s 2010 Gulf oil spill will participate in a new process for economic-loss and medical claims associated with the accident. The Deepwater Horizon Claims Center, run by court-appointed administrator Patrick Juneau, will open 18 intake centers …