Gulf oil spill claims News

BP Still Paying Gulf Oil Spill Claims as Court Battles Wind Down

BP Plc raised the amount it will pay this year for the Deepwater Horizon accident as thousands of lawsuits related to the biggest oil spill in U.S. history start to wind down. The 2010 explosion at a well in the …

BP Relents on Gulf Seafood Processors’ Oil Spill Damages But Still Pursues Attorney

After fighting for more than two years to avoid paying almost $1 billion in oil spill damages to Gulf Coast shrimpers, oystermen and seafood processors it claimed didn’t exist, BP Plc has thrown in the towel. “We have withdrawn our …

BP Wins Bid to Appeal Some Gulf Oil Spill Damage Claims

A U.S. federal appeals court said on Friday BP Plc deserves the right to appellate review of some damage claims awarded to people and businesses in connection with the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill. The decision by the 5th …

Florida Study Finds Recreational Fishermen Lost $585M in Gulf Oil Spill

Recreational anglers who normally fish in the Gulf lost up to $585 million from lost fishing opportunities in the year of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill and could be entitled to compensation, according to a new University of Florida study. …