gulf oil spill claims fund News

Alabama Groups Share $8 Million in BP Oil Spill Funds

Nearly two dozen groups in Alabama will share more than $8 million in oil spill funds to promote Gulf Coast tourism and seafood. The administrator of the claims process for the 2010 oil spill, Patrick Juneau, announced the first round …

Audit of Gulf Oil Spill Claims Fund Finds $64 Million in Underpayments

An audit of the $20 billion fund for paying victims of the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill found “significant errors” that led to about 7,300 claimants who were underpaid receiving an extra $64 million, the U.S. Justice Department said …

BP Settlement Relieves Feinberg of Duties; New Claims Process to Start

The man who has paid out billions of dollars to victims of the massive 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill has been formally relieved of his duties, and a federal judge has set up a new process to let more …

Alabama Judge Grants Probation to 4 in Oil Spill Claims Fraud

Four people will spend five years on probation after being convicted of pocketing money from Gulf oil spill claims. The Press-Register reported that U.S. District Judge William Steele also ordered the four to pay back money they received from the …

Gulf Oil Spill Claims Fund Too Slow: U.S. Attorney General

The fund oil firm BP set up to deal with compensation claims after last year’s Gulf of Mexico oil spill is working too slowly, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder said Thursday. The fund is not sufficiently transparent and requires too …