Gulf oil spill News

Misuse of BP Oil Spill Funds Prompts Changes by Florida County

Amid a criminal investigation into the alleged misuse of funds paid by BP after the 2010 Gulf oil spill, a Panhandle county made big changes this week in the way it oversees spending for promotion of the area’s world-famous beaches. …

BP’s $7.8 Billion Gulf Oil Spill Settlement Wins Initial Court OK

BP Plc won preliminary court approval of an estimated $7.8 billion settlement to resolve more than 100,000 claims by individuals and businesses stemming from the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill. The accord comprises two agreements, including one that covers …

Gulf Oil Spill Commission Criticizes Congress for Inaction

A presidential commission that investigated the Gulf oil spill blasted Congress for inaction in its report card on industry and government response to the massive BP oil spill. “Across the board, we are disappointed with Congress’s lack of action. Two …

Judge Extends Deadline for BP Oil Spill Settlement

A federal judge has given BP Plc and lawyers for individuals and businesses who claimed they were harmed by the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill more time to file details of their proposed settlements. U.S. District Judge Carl Barbier …

U.S. to Give BP Evidence on Size of Gulf Oil Spill

BP Plc will gain access to U.S. government documents that may shed light on the size of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, a crucial issue in determining the oil company’s liability. According to a …

BP Claims U.S. Hiding Evidence on Size of Gulf Oil Spill

BP Plc has accused the U.S. government of withholding evidence that may show the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill was smaller than federal officials claimed, a key issue in determining the oil company’s liability. A reduction in the size …

Oil Spill Panel to Issue Drilling Safety Report

The seven-member commission selected by President Barack Obama to investigate the Gulf oil spill is getting back together. This time, it will press for action to improve drilling safety. The re-formed group said it plans to issue a report card …

BP’s $7.8 Billion Deal May Speed Gulf Spill Payments

The estimated $7.8 billion deal struck by BP Plc with businesses and individuals suing over the massive 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill could speed up payments to thousands of claimants and offers lawyers a potential windfall in legal fees. …

BP Reaches $7.8 Billion Deal Over Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill

BP Plc has reached an estimated $7.8 billion deal with businesses suing over the massive 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill, the company said on Friday, but the oil giant still faces claims by the U.S. government, Gulf states and …

Judge: BP, Anadarko, Transocean May Be Liable for Oil Pollution Claims

BP Plc and Anadarko Petroleum Corp. are liable and Transocean Ltd. may be liable for civil damages under federal pollution laws over the catastrophic 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill, a U.S. judge ruled. Wednesday’s decision by U.S. District Judge …