gun insurance News

Court Temporarily OKs ‘Sensitive’ Places But Not Insurance Rule of New Jersey Gun Law

A federal appeals court has temporarily agreed to keep part of New Jersey’s handgun carry law in effect as court proceedings play out. The Third Circuit Court of Appeals on Tuesday granted the state attorney general’s request to keep part …

Judge Blocks New Jersey Insurance Mandate and Ban on Handguns in Certain Places

A federal judge on Tuesday blocked part of New Jersey’s new handgun carry law that barred weapons from being carried in so-called sensitive places and halted a new insurance mandate the law sought to institute. Second Amendment rights groups that …

New Jersey Lawmakers Advance Bill Limiting Gun Carry, Requiring Liability Insurance

A New Jersey legislative committee voted to require liability insurance for gun owners and restrict where they could carry their weapons, moving what would be some of the strictest US firearms limits closer to becoming law. The vote by the …

California Bill Would Require Gunowners to Buy Liability Insurance

California would be the first state to require gun owners to buy liability insurance to cover the negligent or accidental use of their firearms, if lawmakers approve a measure. “Guns kill more people than cars. Yet gun owners are not …

Court Upholds Washington Commissioner’s Action’s Against Armed Citizens Legal Defense Network

The Superior Court of Lewis County upheld Washington Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler’s fine and cease-and-desist order against Armed Citizens Legal Defense Network Inc. for illegally acting as an insurer in Washington. In March 2020, Kreidler ordered Armed Citizens to stop …

Judge Denies NRA Bid to Block Regulatory Hearing on Its Gun Liability Insurance

The National Rifle Association will have to appear for a regulatory hearing over allegations it violated New York law by marketing an insurance policy for shootings that critics have dubbed “murder insurance.” A federal judge in Albany, New York, on …

New York Fines Lockton Over NRA Insurance; Continues Probe of Other Players

Insurance broker Lockton will pay a $7 million fine for administering National Rifle Association (NRA) member insurance programs in New York that officials say violate several state laws. The settlement with Lockton is the first in what is a broader …

Citing ‘Social Good,’ Insurer Lemonade Adds Restrictions to Firearms Coverage

Online home and rental insurer Lemonade has said it is limiting its coverage for gun owners as part of its commitment to “make insurance into a social good.” Citing the recent Las Vegas mass shooting, Lemonade CEO Daniel Schreiber blogged: …

Gun Liability Insurance Bills Aren’t the Answer, Says Insurance Industry

Congress appears ready to take up gun control legislation for the first time in years, with proposals under consideration focusing on background checks, straw purchases and money for school safety. If the debate stays on those issues, the insurance industry …

California Bill Would Force Gun Owners to Buy Insurance

Democratic lawmakers have proposed legislation that would require California gun owners to buy liability insurance to cover damages or injuries caused by their weapons. Similar bills have been introduced in other states after the Newtown, Conn., school massacre. They include …