gun product liability News

Judge Says Remington’s Gun Injury Settlement for Child Lacks Sufficient Information

A federal judge in Pennsylvania has declined to approve a settlement between gunmaker Remington Arms and a parent of a child injured when his grandfather’s gun allegedly misfired without the trigger being pulled. U.S. District Judge Yvette Kane found that …

Federal Judge Upholds New York Law Allowing Lawsuits Against Gun Industry

A federal judge on Wednesday threw out a lawsuit by a group of gun manufacturers, distributors and retailers challenging the constitutionality of a New York law that allows the state and people affected by gun violence to sue the industry. …

13 States Agree U.S. Law Does Not Bar Mexico’s $10B Suit Against U.S. Gun Makers

Thirteen U.S. states and two Latin America and Caribbean nations on Monday threw their support behind a lawsuit from Mexico that accuses several major U.S. gun makers of facilitating the trafficking of weapons to drug cartels, leading to thousands of …

Wrongful Death Suit Filed Against NRA, Gunmaker, Shooter Over Synagogue Attack

The son of a couple killed in a Pittsburgh synagogue attack that killed 11 worshippers is suing the National Rifle Association, arguing the group’s inflammatory rhetoric led to the violence. Marc Simon, the son of Sylvan and Bernice Simon, filed …

Gunmakers’ Liability Shield Emerges as Issue in Democratic Presidential Race

Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders on Sunday backed away from a controversial vote he cast in 2005 on legislation to grant immunity to gun manufacturers and dealers from liability if their firearms are used criminally. On NBC’s Meet The Press,one …