gunmaker liability News

Citing Shield Law, Judge Dismisses Sandy Hook Families’ Suit Against Gun Manufacturer

A Connecticut judge threw out a lawsuit by families of victims of the 2012 Sandy Hook school shooting, a major victory for the gun industry and in particular Remington Arms Co., maker of the assault weapon used in the massacre …

Orlando Victims Watching Sandy Hook Gun Manufacturer Liability Case Opening Today

A case in Connecticut state court could help victims from mass shootings — including the recent massacre in Orlando — sue manufacturers of military style assault rifles used in the attacks, despite state and federal laws granting them immunity. On …

Family of North Carolina Teen Killed by Stray Bullet Sues Gunmaker

The family of a North Carolina teenager shot and killed by a stray bullet is suing the gunmaker. A state lawsuit filed Monday in Charlotte says the Remington Model 700 rifle misfired and the company was negligent in making it. …