Guo Shuqing News

China’s Top Financial Regulator Rejects ‘State Monopoly’ Criticism

China’s top financial regulator dismissed claims the nation is distorting its economy through “state monopoly capitalism” as pressure grows on China to align more with global trade rules. Guo Shuqing, chairman of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, said …

China Financial Regulator Sees ‘Very Limited’ Impact from Trade War with U.S.

The U.S. escalation of trade tensions won’t solve any of its problems but will create volatility in global markets and hurt the world economy, according to China’s top financial regulator. Higher U.S. tariffs will have a “very limited” impact on …

China’s New Insurance & Banking Watchdog to Continue Opening Financial Sector

China’s new banking and insurance regulator said on Thursday [March 29] it will deepen the reform and opening up of the banking and insurance systems and will crack down on financial risk. In a statement, the regulator also said it …

China Names Guo to Head New Insurance, Banking Regulatory Commission

China has named Guo Shuqing as the head of the newly formed regulator for the banking and insurance sectors, financial publication Caixin reported on Wednesday without citing a direct source. Guo had been the head of the China Banking Regulatory …