H5N1 flu strain News

American Contracts Bird Flu After Exposure to Virus Spreading in Cows

A person in Texas contracted bird flu, most likely after being exposed to infected dairy cows, public health officials said, as an emerging outbreak among the animals spreads in the country. The risk to the general population remains low, the …

New Strain of Bird Flu Related to 2015 Virus

Farms that raise turkeys and chickens for meat and eggs are on high alert and taking steps to increase biosecurity, fearing a repeat of a widespread bird flu outbreak in 2015 that killed 50 million birds across 15 states and …

Agriculture Officials Find More Avian Flu Cases in Wild Birds, Caution Poultry Farmers

The U.S. Department of Agriculture reported two more cases of highly pathogenic avian flu in wild birds on Tuesday, raising risks for potential infections in poultry. The USDA on Friday reported the nation’s first case of a Eurasian H5 type …