Hannover Re News

Global Re/Insurers Seek Premium Hikes After Costly 3rd Quarter

Insurers and reinsurers around the globe are looking to raise rates after what looks set to be their most costly quarter on record. Hurricanes Irma and Maria alone caused as much as $135 billion in insured losses, according to modeling …

UPDATE 2: Global Re/Insurers Estimate Price Tag of Q3 Hurricanes & Quakes

Losses from Hurricane Maria and other recent 2017 natural catastrophes, including Hurricanes Irma and Harvey, the Mexico City earthquakes and other events, have led global insurers and reinsurers to issue profit warnings. Below are statements from insurers and reinsurers in …

RMS Estimates Hurricane Maria’s Insured Losses Will Range Between $15B and $30B

RMS, the Newark, Calif.-based risk modeling and analytics firm, estimated that the insured loss from Hurricane Maria will be between US$15 billion and US$30 billion. This estimate represents the insured losses associated with wind, storm surge and inland flood damage …

Beazley Estimates $150M Earnings Hit From Hurricanes, Earthquakes

Lloyd’s of London insurer Beazley said on Friday it reckoned that its losses from hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria in the Caribbean and southern United States and a series of earthquakes in Mexico would reduce its 2017 earnings by about …

Natural Disasters Begin to Hit Profits of Global Reinsurers

A profit warning from one of the world’s largest reinsurers is the latest sign that the death and destruction from a spate of hurricanes and earthquakes in North America are now taking a toll on the titans of global finance. …

Talanx Warns 2017 Profits Could Be Hit by Hannover Re’s Catastrophe Claims

German insurer Talanx warned it may miss its profit target for 2017 as its reinsurer, Hannover Re, is being hit by major claims from a series of hurricanes and an earthquake in Mexico. Reinsurers face big losses from Hurricanes Harvey …

Insurers Will Easily Swallow Harvey’s Claims but Growing Climate Risk Predicted

Damages from Hurricane Harvey’s ravaging of Houston and the Texas Gulf Coast are estimated to be well below those from the major storms that hit New Orleans and New York in recent years, insurance executives have said. Though insurers should …

4 European Reinsurers Maintain Pricing Discipline in Tough Market: Fitch

The four largest European reinsurers – Munich Re, Swiss Re, Hannover Re and SCOR – have largely maintained pricing and policy terms without a significant drop in their business volumes, despite relentless soft market conditions, according to Fitch Ratings. Fitch …

Reinsurers Invest in Fintech Startups to Diversify and Grow in Soft Market

When Micah Carr-Hill wanted to insure Chief, the Labrador that helps with his son’s autism therapy, he found an ally in Munich Re, the world’s biggest reinsurer. The German company had just teamed up with a U.K. internet startup to …

Hannover Re Completes Purchase of Lloyd’s Business Argenta

Hannover Re has completed the acquisition of the UK holding company Argenta Holdings Ltd., which owns the companies Argenta Syndicate Management and Argenta Private Capital, as well as a pro rata share of the Lloyd’s syndicate Argenta Syndicate 2121. The …