Hard Brexit News

U.K. PM Johnson Vows to Exit EU (With or Without a Deal) After Historic Court Defeat

A defiant Boris Johnson hit back at the U.K.’s top judges and vowed to take the country out of the European Union next month, despite suffering an unprecedented legal defeat over his Brexit strategy in the highest court in the …

As Brexit Fatigue Grows, the Political Will to Prevent No-Deal Exit Is Evaporating

Brexit from afar is looking like a disaster about to happen. One European official, watching the situation up close, compared it to two cars driving at high speed toward each other with each expecting the other to swerve out of …

Risk of No-Deal Brexit Is Now ‘Palpable,’ Says EU’s Juncker

European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said on Wednesday that the risk of a no-deal Brexit on Oct. 31 is now “palpable,” sparking a drop in the pound. Juncker, speaking to the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France, after a meeting with …

Prime Minister Johnson’s Brexit Plan Goes to Court as Latest EU Talks End in Failure

Boris Johnson’s Brexit strategy has been on trial ever since he became prime minister eight weeks ago, and on Tuesday his lawyers will defend it in the U.K.’s highest court. Fresh from being lambasted by a fellow European leader after …

U.K. Prime Minister Warned that Parliament ‘Forcefully’ Will Try to Stop No-Deal Brexit

Boris Johnson’s Brexit troubles deepened as the Speaker of the House of Commons warned him Parliament will “forcefully” try to stop him taking Britain out of the European Union without a deal. The premier believes the only way out of …

UK Government Will Not Delay Brexit, Says PM Johnson

Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Tuesday he would not request an extension to Brexit, hours after a law came into force demanding that he delay Britain’s departure from the European Union until 2020 unless he can strike a divorce …

UK PM’s Brexit Plan Suffers Humiliating Defeat as Election Fight Looms

U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson began moves to trigger a snap general election after suffering a humiliating defeat for his Brexit strategy that left his ruling party in tatters. A fresh poll to choose a new government would mark the …

U.K. Prime Minister Rolls the Dice on City of London’s Future: Opinion

Not long after Britain voted to leave the European Union, the City of London’s chiefs grudgingly began hammering out plans for the worst: that Britain might eventually abandon the EU’s single market. Now the future is suddenly looking even more …

U.K. Government Optimistic that Brexit Talks Can Begin Again

The U.K. government sees an opportunity to restart Brexit negotiations with the European Union after Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s meetings last week with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron. The two leaders appeared to relax their language …

Prospect of Brexit Deal Is ‘Touch and Go,’ Acknowledges PM Johnson

U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson acknowledged Sunday that the prospect of a Brexit deal was “touch and go,” as other European Union capitals grasp the problems Britain has with the withdrawal agreement. Speaking on the sidelines of the Group of …