Hard Brexit News

Leaked Document Warned of Fuel, Food, Medicine Shortages If No-Deal Brexit

Britain will face shortages of fuel, food and medicine if it leaves the European Union without a transition deal, according to leaked official documents reported by the Sunday Times whose interpretation was immediately contested by ministers. Setting out a vision …

British PM Johnson Targeted by Opposition Campaigns to Block No-Deal Brexit

Opposition parties launched rival campaigns to topple Prime Minister Boris Johnson and stop him taking Britain out of the European Union without a deal, illustrating fractures in the anti-Brexit movement that make neither scheme likely to succeed. Johnson has promised …

Britain Will Spend ‘Whatever It Takes’ to Prepare for No-Deal Brexit

Britain will spend “whatever it takes” before its departure date from the European Union to prepare for the possibility of leaving without a divorce deal, the minister responsible for planning for a no-deal Brexit said on Friday. The new government …

UK and EU Continue to Trade Blame over Failure to Negotiate New Exit Deal

Michael Gove, the minister in charge of planning for a no-deal Brexit, blamed the European Union for failing to engage on a new agreement, deepening the diplomatic standoff between the two sides less than three months before the U.K. is …

EU Lags Behind Britain in Preparations for No-Deal Brexit: CBI

The European Union is less prepared for a no-deal Brexit than Britain, potentially leaving British firms at a disadvantage if there is no transition agreement and weakening London’s hand in future trade talks, a British employers group said. The EU, …

No-Deal EU Exit ‘Now a Very Real Prospect’, Says Head of Newly Formed Brexit Cabinet

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s high-level Brexit cabinet holds its first meeting Monday, and will gather every day to ensure the country leaves the European Union on Oct. 31. Michael Gove, named to a job that makes him Johnson’s top …

Risk of No-Deal Brexit Rises as EU Rejects PM Johnson’s Demands for Better Exit Deal

The scale of the challenge facing Boris Johnson to break Britain’s political deadlock was laid bare in his first days as prime minister, as the European Union immediately rejected his demands for a better Brexit deal. Johnson told European Commission …

UK Lawyers Could Be Forced Out of EU Courts with No-Deal Brexit

UK lawyers with lucrative careers in European Union law are fighting to save their jobs after the bloc’s top courts warned that a no-deal Brexit would forbid them from representing clients. In an April letter, a senior official at the …

No-Deal Brexit Could Push UK Economy into Recession, Says Fiscal Watchdog

A no-deal Brexit could plunge the British economy into recession, hammer the pound and drive up government borrowing, according to the U.K fiscal watchdog. The analysis from the Office for Budget Responsibility is based on the “less disruptive” of two …

EU Braces for No-Deal Brexit if Johnson Becomes UK Prime Minister

The European Union is bracing for either a no-deal Brexit or another delay if Boris Johnson becomes Britain’s prime minister next week with a pledge to renegotiate a deal the bloc says it will not reopen. The three-year Brexit crisis …