Hard Brexit News

UK Businesses Roll Back Investment as Brexit Uncertainty Bites: Survey

Four-fifths of U.K. companies have cut or withheld investment because of the uncertainty caused by Brexit, Britain’s biggest business lobby said. Some 58 percent of businesses have made plans to cut jobs, adjust supply chains, relocate production and services or …

Can Go-Slow Brexit Breathe New Life into Flagging Divorce Talks?

The U.K. and the European Union are inching towards a plan that could help unblock Brexit negotiations and clear the path to a deal, raising hopes of progress after months of stalemate. While the EU summit in Brussels fell far …

UK’s May Eyes Extension of Brexit Transition Period to Unlock Impasse with EU

British Prime Minister Theresa May signaled on Thursday she would consider extending a so-called transition period “for a matter of months” after Britain leaves the European Union, a move her critics say is a betrayal of Brexit. Less than six …

UK Needs to Get ‘Good and Scared’ About No-Deal Brexit: Opinion

The European Union summit in Brussels this week was meant to be historic: a Brexit divorce deal would be reached and sent to parliaments to be approved. That is now not going to happen, once again raising the risk that …

Brexit Deadlock Deepens as Hopes Fade for Breakthrough During Crucial Week

The U.K. and the European Union are on course to miss this week’s key milestone on the road to a Brexit deal after talks broke up in stalemate on Sunday, people familiar with the matter said. A weekend of intense …

London Market Insurers’ Profits Remain Under Pressure with Excess Capacity: Fitch

The profitability of London market and Lloyd’s insurers is expected to remain under pressure in 2018, despite the fact that rates improved slightly following the catastrophe losses in the second quarter of 2017, according to Fitch Ratings in a new …

Brexit Divorce Talks Edge Toward Compromise but Obstacles Remain: UK, EU Officials

Brexit negotiators are edging toward a compromise on the thorniest issue in talks, even as officials on both sides warned that obstacles still stand in the way of a deal. EU chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier said Wednesday that a …

In Event of Hard Brexit, Lloyd’s Commits to Pay All Valid Claims

Lloyd’s said it is working on transferring all European Economic Area (EEA) business to its EU headquarters, Lloyd’s Brussels, before the end of 2020 via a Part VII transfer. (Part VII transfers, in part, enable a UK insurer to transfer …

UK Expects 5,000 Financial Services Jobs to Move to Europe by Brexit Day

Despite thousands of jobs set to move to the continent due to Brexit, Britain’s financial services minister said on Wednesday he would do all he can to ensure the City of London remains a major financial center. John Glen told …

Urgent EU Action Needed to Address Threat of Hard Brexit, Warns Bank of England

The Bank of England ratcheted up the pressure on the European Union to help stave off the threat a no-deal Brexit poses to trillions of pounds of derivative contracts and millions of insurance policies. The EU has made “only limited …