Harvard University News

Harvard Sued by Jewish Students Over ‘Rampant’ Antisemitism

Harvard University was sued by Jewish students who claim the school has failed to punish campus antisemitism that soared after the Hamas attack on Israel and helped lead to the ouster of President Claudine Gay. Harvard administrators failed to enforce …

University of Penn Sued by Students Claiming Antisemitism on Campus

The University of Pennsylvania was sued by a pair of students who claim the campus was a hotbed of antisemitism even before Hamas attacked Israel on Oct. 7. Penn became the third major US college, after New York University and …

Harvard Claims Marsh Is to Blame for Its Loss of $15M in Coverage for Admissions Fight

Having lost two bids to recover $15 million from its insurer to cover costs related to its failed defense of its admissions policy, Harvard University is now looking to hold its insurance broker, Marsh, responsible. Harvard’s excess insurer Zurich American …

Zurich American Off the Hook on Harvard’s Legal Costs in Affirmative Action Case

Even the smartest institutions in the land can miss deadlines – and can lose $15 million in insurance coverage because of it, a federal appeals court decided Wednesday. The U.S. 1st Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a lower court ruling …

Biden Administration Opens Investigation Into Harvard University’s Legacy Admissions

Opening a new front in legal battles over college admissions, the U.S. Department of Education has launched a civil rights investigation into Harvard University`s policies on legacy admissions. Top colleges` preferential treatment of children of alumni, who are often white, …

Activists Challenge Legacy Admissions at Harvard as Unfair to Minority Students

A civil rights group is challenging legacy admissions at Harvard University, saying the practice discriminates against students of color by giving an unfair boost to the mostly white children of alumni. The practice of giving priority to the children of …

Supreme Court Rejects Use of Race in University Admissions

The US Supreme Court effectively barred universities from using race as a factor in university admissions, marking the start of a new era in higher education and rolling back decades of precedents. Voting 6-3 along ideological lines, the justices said …

Harvard to Appeal Missed Insurance Claim Deadline Ruling That Cost It $15M

Harvard University has signaled its intention to appeal last month’s federal court ruling that cost it as much as $15 million in insurance payments for failing to notify its insurer of its claim by the policy deadline. The law firm …

Missed Deadline Costs Harvard $15M in Insurance for Admissions Policy Defense

Harvard University’s failure to notify its insurer by the policy deadline has cost it up to $15 million in insurance coverage to help it defray costs related to its ongoing defense of its affirmative action admissions program. U.S. District Judge …

Harvard, Zurich Insurance At Odds Over $15M Coverage for Admissions Program Defense

Harvard University has already exhausted $25 million in insurance coverage defending its affirmative action admissions program and is in court trying to force another of its insurers to cover up to $15 million more. While the $25 million costs to …