Hawaii Insurance Commissioner Gordon Ito News

State Insurance Regulators Elect Maine’s Cioppa President of NAIC for 2019

State insurance regulators have elected new officers of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC). The following officers will assume their duties on Jan. 1, 2019: President: Maine Insurance Superintendent Eric A. Cioppa. Cioppa joined the Maine regulatory bureau in …

Kurata Named Hawaii’s Captive Insurance Administrator

Hawaii Insurance Commissioner Gordon Ito has appointed Andrew Kurata deputy commissioner and captive insurance administrator for the department of commerce and consumer affairs insurance division. Kurata previously held the position in an acting capacity. The captive insurance administrator oversees the …

Hawaii Commissioner Erred; Some Lava Claims May be Excluded

Some homeowners in a Hawaiian neighborhood where lava is flowing might not be so fortunate when they file their claims after all. It was previously reported that Gordon Ito, Hawaii’s insurance commissioner, was making it known that homes destroyed or …

Hawaii Insurance Commissioner Says Homes Destroyed by Kilauea Lava are Covered

Hawaii’s insurance commissioner has made it clear that homes destroyed or damaged in the recent lava flow into a Hawaii neighborhood are covered for the damage under homeowners insurance policies. Gordon Ito, who has been the state’s insurance commissioner since …