Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius News

Republicans to Use Burwell HHS Hearings to Question Affordable Care Act

Republican lawmakers said hearings on Sylvia Mathews Burwell’s nomination as U.S. Health and Human Services secretary provide a fresh opening to raise questions about President Barack Obama’s health-care law. Obama’s choice of Burwell, the director of the Office of Management …

Average Obamacare Premiums Will Be Lower Than Projected

By Julie Appleby and Phil Galewitz Kaiser Health News Staff Writers Just days before new online health insurance markets are set to open, the Obama administration Wednesday released a look at average premiums, saying rates in most states are lower …

Senate Democrat Criticizes Healthcare Law Education; Sebelius Cites Lack of Funding

A Democratic senator who helped craft President Barack Obama’s signature healthcare law gave the administration “a failing grade” on Wednesday for its efforts to educate the public and small employers about sweeping changes due to take effect in eight months. …

Obamacare Rules on Pre-Existing Conditions, Benefits, Wellness Released

The Obama administration on Tuesday proposed new health insurance rules aimed at ending discrimination against the sick and guaranteeing minimum benefits for millions of Americans who are expected to obtain coverage under President Barack Obama’s healthcare reform law. The rules, …

Florida Gov. Scott Seeks Meeting on Health Exchange

Florida Gov. Rick Scott told federal health officials in a letter Friday that he isn’t convinced a state health exchange will lower health care costs for Floridians, and that he’s worried the actual costs could end up exceeding early estimates. …

Administration Grants States Leeway on Health Benefits Package

The Obama administration has rolled out a benefits framework for millions of people who will get private insurance through the health care overhaul, but states will decide the specifics. The new law calls for the federal government to set a …