health care law News

Firm Running R.I. Health Exchange’s Call Center an Affiliate of Health Insurer

The company that was awarded a $24 million contract to operate the Rhode Island health benefits exchange’s customer service center is an affiliate of one selling plans on the exchange, but state officials say there are built-in protections to prevent …

IRS Scandals Threaten Funding for Health Care Law

Mounting scandals at the Internal Revenue Service are jeopardizing critical funding for the agency as it gears up to play a big role in President Barack Obama’s health care law. Obama sought a significant budget increase for the IRS for …

Gov. Corbett Signs Bill Limiting Abortion Coverage in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania is joining about 20 other states in limiting coverage of abortions under health care insurance policies offered in a federally-run insurance marketplace starting next year under a sweeping federal law. Gov. Tom Corbett’s office said he signed the bill …

Republicans See ‘Obamacare’ Issues as Key to 2014

If Republicans were writing a movie script for next year’s congressional elections, the working title might be “2014: Apocalypse of Obamacare.” The plot: The rollout of President Barack Obama’s health care law turns into such a disaster that enraged voters …

Oklahoma AG Challenges Federal Health Care IRS Claims

The nation’s health care law does not authorize the Internal Revenue Service to adopt a rule that the federal government claims is needed to implement the statute, Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt argued. Pruitt made the arguments as part of …

Group Wants to Repeal Key Part of Mass. Health Law

Anti-abortion activists are pushing a ballot question designed to repeal a key element of Massachusetts’ landmark health care law. Massachusetts Citizens for Life President Anne Fox said the question would end the individual mandate that requires virtually everyone in the …