Health Care Reform News

Big High Tech Is Big on Reimagining Health Care

Apple Inc.’s new watch is the latest proof: Big Tech is trying to remake health care in its own image. The device, introduced at a splashy launch event this week, can call for help after a fall. It can monitor …

New York Health Insurers Propose Hikes for Individual, Small Group Rates

New York health insurers have proposed premium increases averaging 17.3 percent for next year in the market for individuals and 12 percent for small groups. The New York State Department of Financial Services often reduces proposed increases before approving them. …

Pittsburgh-Based Highmark Sues Federal Government Over ACA Payments

Pittsburgh-based health insurer Highmark Inc. is suing the federal government saying it’s owed about $223 million under the Affordable Care Act for losses in 2014. Highmark filed the lawsuit in a Washington federal claims court on Tuesday. The health insurer …

Massachusetts Law That Became Model for Affordable Care Act Turns 10

Massachusetts is marking the tenth anniversary of a landmark health care law that later served as a model for the federal Affordable Care Act. Then-Republican Gov. Mitt Romney was joined by Democratic leaders including the late Sen. Edward Kennedy when …

New York Health Exchange to Enroll 470K in New Low-Cost Option

New York state’s health exchange expects to enroll more than 470,000 New Yorkers in its new low-cost option for coverage this year. Testifying at an Assembly hearing last week, exchange Executive Director Donna Frescatore said New York chose to participate …

2.8M Enroll in New York’s Health Exchange

The New York Health Exchange says more than 2.8 million people have signed up for Medicaid and low-cost insurance through its 2016 open enrollment that ended Jan. 31. According to state health officials, federal data show the number of uninsured …

17.6 Million Gained Health Insurance Through Law: Report

The U.S. national healthcare reform law has extended health insurance coverage to 17.6 million Americans, according to a new government report on Tuesday, up from its previous estimate of 16.4 million. The number of uninsured has decreased because of changes …

N.H. Seeks to Update Insurance Rules for Health Care Provider Networks

The New Hampshire Insurance Department is moving forward with changing its rules for health care provider networks, but some insurance companies aren’t yet sold on a key part of the proposed approach. Department officials say the rules are ripe for …

Supreme Court Rejects Maine’s Obamacare Challenge

The U.S. Supreme Court rejected a bid by Maine to escape one requirement of Obamacare, as the justices prepare to rule on a more far-reaching challenge that might unravel the health-care law. The justices Monday left intact a federal appeals …

Audit: Maryland Misallocated $28.4M for Health Exchange

Maryland misallocated $28.4 million in federal money for its flawed health care exchange and should pay the money back, according to a federal audit released on March 27. The audit marked the first time the inspector general of the Department …