Health Care Reform News

Illinois Med-Mal Caps Struck Down

The Illinois Supreme Court in early February ruled that an Illinois law enacted in 2005 that capped non-economic damage awards in medical liability cases is unconstitutional. The American Bar Association says the Court was right in striking down the law, …

M&A Activity at Decade Lows

Leading into 2009, agencies were at a crossroads; uncertain of whether to sell, buy, or implement new or improved organic growth strategies. The path was uncertain, but it was widely believed that market, economic and political dynamics would impact and …

Anthem Blue Cross Agrees to Delay Rate Increase

Anthem Blue Cross has agreed to a Feb. 8 request by California Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner to delay its individual health insurance rate increase until May 1 to allow an independent actuary to review their rates, the California Department of …

Murphy Named Insurance Commissioner in Massachusetts

Joseph G. Murphy has been named commissioner of the Massachusetts Division of Insurance. Murphy has served as first deputy commissioners since 2006, playing active roles in the implementation of the managed competition auto insurance regime and the day-to-day operations of …

Hales Reports Brokerage M&As Down 40% in 2009; Expects Better 2010

A prolonged soft market coupled with the worst economic period since the Great Depression as well as uncertainty related to national health care reform, caused insurance brokerage buyers and sellers to struggle with how to effectively carry out their growth …

Insurers Decry Overturn of Illinois Med-Mal Caps; Attorneys Praise Ruling

The American Bar Association says the Illinois Supreme Court was right in striking down as unconstitutional the caps on non-economic damage awards in medical malpractice cases. Insurer groups, however, say the decision will add to rising health care costs and …

White House Budget Takes Small Steps on Health Care Reform

With plans to pass sweeping health care reform stalled in Congress, the White House is targeting smaller efforts to improve the nation’s health care system, such as increasing use of cheaper, generic medicines and boosting electronic medical records. The Obama …

Hales Reports Brokerage M&As Down 40% in 2009; Expects Better 2010

A prolonged soft market coupled with the worst economic period since the Great Depression as well as uncertainty related to national health care reform, caused insurance brokerage buyers and sellers to struggle with how to effectively carry out their growth …

5 Issues Agents Should Watch in 2010

With insurance agents across the nation breathing a sigh of relief that 2009 is behind them, their focus has turned to the future: What will 2010 bring for the industry? These emergent issues are important not only for insurance agents, …

Health Insurers Seek Tax, Profit Changes in Health Reform Bill

Health insurance lobbyists are pushing lawmakers to eliminate caps on profits and other administrative spending and delay a hefty, industry-wide tax under the massive healthcare reform legislation being finalized in Congress. Health insurers, which include companies such as Aetna Inc., …