Health Care Reform News

Safety First

Amid all the federal wrangling over national health insurance reform, many states in the Northeast and elsewhere are focusing on smaller, targeted efforts that affect property/casualty insurers as much or more than health insurers: patient safety. Much of these reforms …

Clear Insurance Policy: A Closer Look At Document Language

Insurance companies are taking another rhetorical beating — this time as a part of President Obama’s promotional campaign for his health care reform proposals. Now a healthy dose of professional introspection can be valuable, if for no other reason than …

Clear Insurance Policy: A Closer Look at Document Language

Insurance companies are taking another rhetorical beating — this time as a part of President Obama’s promotional campaign for his health care reform proposals. Now a healthy dose of professional introspection can be valuable, if for no other reason than …

Insurance Agents Hit House Health Bill As Bad for Small Business

The leaders of the Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of America (IIBA) are not pleased with the healthcare reform bill that was passed by the U.S. House of Representatives. The group is particularly opposed to the public option included in …

Clear Insurance Policy: A Closer Look At Document Language

Insurance companies are taking another rhetorical beating—this time as a part of President Obama’s promotional campaign for his health care reform proposals. Now a healthy dose of professional introspection can be valuable, if for no other reason than to remind …

White House Blasts Health Insurers’ Report on Costs of Reform Bill

The White House Monday blasted a report from the health insurance industry that said Senate healthcare legislation would lead to increases in annual insurance premiums of as much as $4,000 by 2019. The report for the industry trade group America’s …

Obama Grants $25 Million to States for Medical Malpractice Pilot Projects

The White House says it has allocated $25 million in grants to states for a pilot program that would seek to ease the impact of malpractice suits on the U.S. medical system, as President Barack Obama pushes for sweeping health …

VP Biden Offers State Insurance Regulators Ground Rules for Healthcare

Vice President Joe Biden told state insurance regulators this week that “soaring” health care premiums are hurting families and businesses, which he said underscores the need for a healthcare overhaul. “Health insurance premiums in states have gone up between 90 …

White House Targets Insurers for Health Insurance Premiums

The White House kept insurance companies squarely in its sights Tuesday in the push for healthcare reform by releasing research showing that health insurance premiums have risen far faster than inflation in every U.S. state. U.S. states have experienced premium …

U.S. Senate Panel Takes On Health Care Plan

The U.S. Senate Finance Committee opened consideration of its long-delayed health care reform bill Tuesday, with affordability topping the list of concerns for Democrats who control the panel. Committee members filed 564 potential amendments to the health care plan offered …