Health Care Reform News

News Currents

Insurance issues take back seat in Mass. governor’s race Insurance issues have taken a back seat to crime and taxes but there is evidence that the candidates locked in the race to succeed Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney do have insurance …

Mass. weighs health insurance minimum payments

Massachusetts officials are grappling to come up with how much lower-income residents should have to pay for insurance under the state’s landmark health care reform law that requires citizens to procure coverage. Health care advocates said anyone living at or …

News Currents

Mass. weighs health insurance minimum payments Massachusetts officials are grappling to come up with how much lower-income residents should have to pay for insurance under the state’s landmark health care reform law that requires citizens to procure coverage. Health care …

Health Reforms Underway in Vermont

Health care reform quietly began in Vermont over the weekend although it’ll be a while before it makes a difference at a doctor’s office or a hospital emergency room. With Saturday’s start of the state’s new budget year, taxes for …

Insurance Strategist to Lead New Mass. Health Plan Agency

Jon Kingsdale’s life is about to get a whole lot more complicated. The Romney administration has announced that Kingsdale will head up the new Commonwealth Health Insurance Connector Authority, the independent state authority charged with turning the state’s ambitious new …

Vermont Leaders Reach Compromise on Health Insurance Package

As many as 25,000 people in Vermont who have no health insurance will be able to get it under a compromise health care reform package reached among Gov. Jim Douglas and legislative leaders. The bill envisions extending insurance coverage to …

Wis. Legislators Pushing Mandated State Health Plan Similar to Mass.

Two Wisconsin legislators, one Democrat and the other Republican, have worked with two health policy officials to generate interest in creating a Wisconsin Health Plan. With Massachusetts basking in the national spotlight for its sweeping proposal to require all citizens …

Some in Mass. Worry Over How to Pay for Compulsory Health Coverage

Linda Thompson barely gets by on her $200-a-week job. The 47-year-old elder care worker is able to cover the rent and fuel costs for her Pelham apartment, gas up the van that gets her to clients in Boston and buy …

Medical malpractice insurance reform: A regulator’s perspective

Since St. Paul Travelers, one of the largest commercial medical malpractice companies, decided to exit the marketplace, the debate about medical malpractice reform has been raging in state capitals throughout the country. Physicians, attorneys, insurance companies, consumer groups and government …

Regulator’s View

The District’s two legislative proposals may serve a public benefit, but neither will reduce premiums for physicians Rather, any medical malpractice reform must have restrictions on non-economic damages and limits on attorney fees. Since St. Paul Travelers, one of the …