Health Care Reform News

Vermont Governor Unveils Next Step in Health Care Plans

Aides to Vermont Gov. Peter Shumlin have unveiled the next steps in his plan to move Vermont toward a single-payer health care system, and some business groups aren’t happy about it. Administration officials on Tuesday got two key legislative allies …

South Dakota Governor Says He Won’t Pursue Health Exchange

Gov. Dennis Daugaard has announced that his administration will not pursue legislation to establish a health insurance exchange during this year’s South Dakota’s legislative session. In a news release, Daugaard says there is too much uncertainty right now to recommend …

White House Defends Health Care Law As ‘Response to Crisis’

Defending President Barack Obama’s signature health care overhaul, the administration is urging the Supreme Court to uphold the contentious heart of the law, the requirement that individuals buy insurance or pay a penalty. The administration filed a written submission with …

Oklahoma Commissioner Disappointed in Denial of MLR Waiver Request

Oklahoma’s top insurance regulator believes the medical insurance market is headed for “disruption” as a result of the medical loss ratio component of federal health insurance reform After Oklahoma’s request for a waiver of the MLR requirement was denied by …

Deficit Poses the Biggest Threat to U.S. Healthcare

A mounting U.S. deficit could pose a much greater threat to the survival of President Barack Obama’s healthcare reforms than either the Supreme Court or 2012 elections. Many health experts say innovations in delivering medical care and the creation of …

Louisiana Asks for Reconsideration of Medical Loss Ratio Waiver Denial

Louisiana Insurance Commissioner Jim Donelon is requesting the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to reconsider its denial of the medical loss ratio (MLR) waiver that the state requested earlier this year. The MLR is a requirement of …

U.S. Healthcare Law Keeps More Young Adults Insured

U.S. healthcare reforms have enabled 2.5 million young adults to join or remain in their parents’ health insurance plans, the U.S. government said this week, up from 1 million reported earlier this year. Federal officials fully credited the gains to …

Nebraska Health Providers Urge State-based Insurance Exchange

Nebraska should not wait for the U.S. Supreme Court to rule on the Obama administration’s health care overhaul before it prepares a state-based insurance exchange, a leading hospital advocate said. Bruce Rieker, a lobbyist for the Nebraska Hospital Association, said …

Arkansas Regulators no Longer Pursuing State-run Health Insurance Exchange

Arkansas Insurance Commissioner Jay Bradford has announced that planning efforts for an Arkansas-run health benefits exchange have ended. He stated that legislative opposition to developing an Arkansas exchange has quashed the state’s efforts to meet federal requirements for implementation of …

Minot, North Dakota Proposes Diversion Plan for Souris River

Minot, N.D., officials are proposing a flood diversion plan for a river that spilled its banks earlier this year and forced thousands of people to evacuate. The idea announced on Nov. 18 would divert the Souris River through channels at …