health care News

Thousands of California Doctors File Lawsuit Against Aetna

A lawsuit filed on Tuesday by the Los Angeles County Medical Association (LACMA), California Medical Association (CMA) and a coalition of health care organizations and providers accuses Aetna Health of California of “routinely and illegally” denying patients access to out-of-network …

Penn. Gov. Corbett Says He’s ‘Disappointed’ by Healthcare Decision

Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett said Thursday he was disappointed in the U.S. Supreme Court ruling upholding the federal healthcare law, but said he will work hard to limit the law’s negative impact on Pennsylvanians.Republican Gov. Corbett, when he was attorney …

Birth Control Mandate Sparks Protests in Pittsburgh, New Haven

A federal government mandate to require employers to provide health insurance that includes birth control for workers sparked protests in New Haven, Connecticut, and other cities last Friday.The plan sparked protests from faith leaders because it included most religious nonprofits …

Penn. Pain Management Doc Pleads Guilty to Defrauding Insurers

A Pittsburgh-area doctor who specialized in pain management faces a lengthy federal prison sentence after pleading guilty to prescribing unnecessary painkillers and defrauding insurance carriers in the process. Forty-year-old Oliver Herndon, of McMurray, left a courtroom without commenting Tuesday. His …

Vermont Governor Shumlin Signs Health ‘Exchange’ Bill

Gov. Peter Shumlin has signed into law the next step in a multi-year effort to revamp Vermont’s health care system and make it more like Canada’s. The bill Shumlin signed on Wednesday calls for setting up a regulated health care …

N.H. Senate OKs Reimbursement for Naturopaths

Doctors of naturopathic medicine would be reimbursed by health insurance companies under a bill passed by the New Hampshire Senate. The Senate voted 16-8 Wednesday in favor of the bill. Opponents argued that the bill amounted to a mandate for …

N.H. House Votes to Ban Health Exchange

The House has voted again to bar New Hampshire officials from planning, creating or participating in a state health-care exchange. The House voted Tuesday to add the health exchange prohibition to a Senate bill that guarantees health insurance to people …

Dispute Over Insurance Management Heads to Hearing in New Hampshire

A long-running dispute over how a nonprofit organization manages health insurance for 80,000 state workers and retirees in New Hampshire communities is finally up for a hearing. The Local Government Center, which provides services and programs for local governments, also …

Three Massachusetts Hospitals Cited for Denial of ER Care

State health officials have cited three Massachusetts hospitals in the past six months for turning patients away from their emergency rooms, including one case when the person died en route to another hospital. Investigators determined that Charlton Memorial Hospital in …

Agency Says More N.C. Residents Added to Uninsured

New data from a North Carolina agency shows an increase in the number of uninsured residents in a six-year span. Numbers from the North Carolina Institute of Medicine shows that 291,000 residents joined the ranks of the uninsured between 2004-2005 …