health care News

Penn. Mom, Daughter Go on Trial in $1M Insurance Fraud Case

A mother and daughter from northeastern Pennsylvania are on trial for allegedly taking part in a decade-long $1 million insurance scam. Sixty-one-year-old Bianca Bucano and her 23-year-old daughter, Melissa, were allegedly part of a scam ring that sent invoices to …

Dartmouth College in N.H. to Help With China Health Reform Effort

Dartmouth College is spending the next five years helping China improve its health care system through a partnership that officials say could pay off at home as well. China announced in 2009 it would pour $124 billion into changing the …

Mass. Immigrants Begin to Join Health Care Plan

The agency overseeing Massachusetts’ landmark health care law has begun enrolling thousands of legal immigrants into the subsidized insurance program after the state’s highest court ruled that state lawmakers unconstitutionally denied the benefit to foreign-born residents who have been in …

Massachusetts Health Care 5-Year Lobbying Topped $51M

Hospitals, insurers, doctors and unions are spending tens of millions of dollars trying to make sure their voices are heard on Beacon Hill as Massachusetts lawmakers weigh sweeping changes to the way the state pays for health coverage. In 2011 …

Southern California Marijuana Dispensary Workers Join Labor Union

Marijuana dispensary workers in Los Angeles have joined a labor union to fight for their jobs in an industry that the federal government considers illegal. Workers at 14 pot shops have formed the “medical cannabis and hemp division” of the …

Change to Connecticut Medical Malpractice Law in Dispute

State lawmakers are moving ahead with legislation they say will fix a problem with Connecticut’s medical malpractice law that has kept some legitimate lawsuits out of the courts, despite heavy opposition from the medical industry. The current law, enacted in …

Convicted Penn. Chiropractor Wants Iraqi Money Returned

A chiropractor convicted of setting the fire that destroyed his practice and three other businesses wants the federal government to return 13 million Iraqi dinar seized from his suburban Philadelphia home. Jonathan Wiktorchik Jr. was ordered last year to spend …

Audit Questions $7B in Illinois Insurance Contracts

A new audit finds serious problems with the way Illinois awarded $7 billion in contracts last year for state employees’ health insurance. Auditor General William Holland said in a recently released report that Illinois awarded Blue Cross Blue Shield contracts …

Glitch Gives MaineCare to Ineligible Recipients

State officials say they’re trying to determine the overall cost of a computer malfunction that resulted in 19,000 people receiving checks for MaineCare even though they were ineligible. State Health and Human Services Commissioner Mary Mayhew revealed the problem Tuesday …

Lifetime Health Care Caps End for 374,000 in Rhode Island

U.S. health officials say that 374,000 Rhode Island residents will no longer bump up against a lifetime limit on health care coverage because of a provision of the federal health care overhaul. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services …