health costs News

Surprise Medical Bill Moving in Congress Could Help Insurers As Well as Patients

Congress is closing in on a deal that could shield patients from surprise medical bills, eliminating a source of frustration for Americans who face unexpected charges from emergency care and other procedures. The question for the health-care industry is whether …

Hospitals Sue to Block Trump Mandate on Cost Disclosure

Hospital groups have challenged the Trump administration’s rule that requires hospitals to be more transparent about prices they charge patients for healthcare services, according to a lawsuit filed on Wednesday. The plaintiffs, including the nonprofit American Hospital Association (AHA), are …

Lawmakers Cite Own Experiences in Grilling Drug Executives on Prices

Channeling the ire of constituents and drawing from personal experience, senators chastised drug company executives Tuesday over the high cost of prescription medications, while the CEOs warned that government price controls could stifle breakthroughs on diseases like Alzheimer’s. The Senate …

Workplace Wellness Programs Are an Exercise in Futility, Latest Research Finds

Workplace wellness programs have two main goals: improve employees’ health and lower their employers’ health-care costs. They’re not very good at either, new research finds. For the study, 3,300 employees of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign were given a …

Actuaries: Health Costs to Go Up No Matter What Court Decides on Law

As the country awaits the highly anticipated ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court to uphold or overturn the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), the actuarial experts who price are warning that health insurance costs will likely continue to …

Audit: Nebraska Employee Insurance Costs High

Nebraska taxpayers are paying far more than necessary into the state’s health insurance program because of high administrative costs, poor oversight and a failure to monitor and control spending, State Auditor Mike Foley said. The Republican auditor said the cost …

Health Costs of U.S. Climate Disasters of Last Decade: $14 Billion

Deaths and health problems from floods, drought and other U.S. disasters related to climate change cost an estimated $14 billion over the last decade, researchers said Monday. “When extreme weather hits, we hear about the property damage and insurance costs,” …

Officials Urged to Keep Minimum Health Benefits Affordable

An advisory group urged U.S. officials to formulate a set of essential health benefits under President Barack Obama’s healthcare overhaul that is in line with cost of insurance in a typical small employer plan. The Institute of Medicine report issued …

Geithner Argues Healthcare Repeal Bad for Business

Repealing the new healthcare law would be a setback for millions who have gained coverage and be bad for business, U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said Wednesday as the House of Representatives prepared to vote to do just that. “Repealing …