health insurance coverage News

Farm Bureau Health Coverage Plan Favored by Rural Kansas Lawmakers

Rural state lawmakers are pushing a plan to allow the Kansas Farm Bureau to offer health insurance coverage to members without having to comply with federal Affordable Care Act mandates in hopes that the influential agriculture group can offer a …

Louisiana Health Insurance Co-op to Shut Down Voluntarily

A nonprofit cooperative formed to provide health insurance in Louisiana is on the way to shutting down. Louisiana Health Cooperative said it will honor all in-force policies for the approximately 17,000 individuals that currently receive health insurance coverage from the …

Vermont Gov. Asks for Independent Review of State’s Health Care Website

Vermont Gov. Peter Shumlin says he asking for an independent review of the flawed rollout of Vermont Health Connect, the website where people and businesses are to go to sign up for health insurance coverage. In addition to the review, …

Pennsylvania Diocese: Birth Control Mandate ‘Historic’

The Roman Catholic Diocese of Pittsburgh say the federal government is trying to remove First Amendment religious protections from church-related schools and charities “for the first time in history” by mandating contraception and abortion coverage for employees. The diocesan filing …