health insurance exchange News

Kansas Governor, Insurance Chief at Odds on Health Care

Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback said he wants to wait until after the presidential election to comply with a key provision of the federal health care overhaul upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court, but the state’s Republican insurance commissioner objected. Brownback, …

Florida Won’t Implement Medicaid Expansion, Health Exchange

Florida Gov. Rick Scott said his state will opt out of implementing optional portions of the Affordable Care Act that deal with expanding Medicaid and building a public insurance exchange to sell coverage. He said that Florida will implement the …

Despite Grant, South Dakota Will Wait on Health Insurance Exchange

South Dakota has been awarded a $5.9 million federal grant to continue research into the possibility of a state-run health insurance exchange. But Gov. Dennis Daugaard says the state will continue to wait for the outcome of the lawsuit challenging …

Health Insurance Exchange Rejected by Louisiana Senators

A proposal that would have set up a body of elected and appointed officials to craft the health insurance exchanges that anchor President Barack Obama’s health overhaul has failed to gain traction in the Louisiana Senate. The Senate Finance Committee …

Illinois Governor Mulls Executive Order on Insurance Exchange

Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn may use an executive order to establish a health insurance exchange, a website where consumers could comparison shop for insurance that’s a key piece of President Barack Obama’s health care law, according to Quinn’s chief health …

N.J. Gov. Christie Vetoes Health Insurance Exchange

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie vetoed legislation, Assembly Bill 2171, that would have begun to establish an online, state-run health care exchange in New Jersey in line with the federal Affordable Care Act. The creation of health care exchanges in …

N.Y. Gov. Cuomo Orders Statewide Health Insurance Exchange

Gov. Andrew Cuomo issued an executive order Thursday to establish a statewide health insurance exchange intended to reduce coverage costs for individuals, small businesses and local governments. The New York Health Benefit Exchange, a federally authorized and financed marketplace for …

N.Y. Financial Services Chief Pushes for State Health Exchange

New York State’s top financial regulator is urging the Republican majority in the state’s Senate to help establish the health insurance exchange. Gov. Andrew Cuomo and the Democrat-controlled Assembly, along with some moderates and Democrats in the Senate had a …

Idaho House: Private Insurers Should Set Up Exchange

Idaho House members voted 49-13 to encourage private insurers to establish their own health insurance exchange, rather than having federal or state governments set one up as envisioned by the 2010 federal health care overhaul. Rep. Bob Nonini of Coeur …

Oklahoma Leaders Shelve Plan for Insurance Exchange

Oklahoma legislative leaders said on March 8 they are shelving a plan to comply with the new federal health care law by setting up a state health insurance exchange. In a joint statement, House Speaker Kris Steele and Senate President …