health insurance marketplace News

Wisconsin Governor Requests Federal Waiver for Reinsurance Program

Gov. Scott Walker’s administration filed a request with the federal government seeking a waiver that would allow Wisconsin to offer a $200 million reinsurance program designed to lower premiums and attract more providers to the private marketplace. Walker told reporters …

Illinois Sees Year-over-Year Increase in Obamacare Sign-Ups

Officials say more than 68,000 Illinoisans have selected health plans using the Affordable Care Act’s insurance marketplace, up nearly 1,400 compared to the same time last year. The sign-ups are happening as President-elect Donald Trump and Republican leaders in Congress …

Louisiana Commissioner: No Agency Fees on Individual Health Insurance Policies

Louisiana Insurance Commissioner Jim Donelon recently issued a directive reminding insurance agents that charging fees for individual health insurance policies is not allowed. Now, the commissioner is reaching out to consumers to let them know that agency fees cannot be …

Michigan Places Consumers Mutual Insurance in Rehabilitation

The Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services (DIFS) has placed Consumers Mutual Insurance of Michigan (Consumers Mutual) in rehabilitation. Consumers Mutual has been offering health insurance through Michigan’s health insurance marketplace. The company and the DIFS jointly announced in …

Michigan’s Consumers Mutual to Exit Health Insurance Market

Consumers Mutual Co-Op, in consultation with the Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services (DIFS), has decided to enter into a run off of its health insurance business, the DIFS announced. Consumers Mutual made the difficult decision to not participate …

Arkansas Panel Wants Definition of ‘Small Business’ Expanded

A legislative panel has asked Arkansas’ insurance commissioner to expand the definition of small businesses so more companies can purchase coverage for their employees through a marketplace. But state Insurance Commissioner Allen Kerr said he doesn’t have the power to …

Number of Carriers in Missouri’s Health Insurance Marketplace to Double

Missouri could have twice as many health insurers participating next year in a federally run website. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services says eight insurers plan to offer policies for 2015 on Missouri’s health insurance exchange. Four offered …

N.H. Issues Consumer Clarification on ‘Multi-State’ Health Insurance Plans

The New Hampshire Insurance Department issued a consumer clarification for state residents Thursday explaining what the term “multi-state” means on the state’s federally facilitated health insurance marketplace, The insurance department explained for New Hampshire residents who have purchased or …

Illinois Reaching Out to Young Uninsured via The Onion

Trying to sell young adults on the idea of health insurance before an upcoming deadline, Illinois officials announced they are launching an ad campaign with the satirical online newspaper The Onion. Banner ads on The Onion website will depict a …

Connecticut’s Access Health CT Enrolled 86,000 Since October

Access Health CT, Connecticut’s health insurance marketplace, says it has so far enrolled 86,000 people in private health care plans and Medicaid since open enrollment began in October. Chief Executive Kevin Counihan said Thursday the exchange is adding 500 to …