health insurance subsidies News

How Much Do Health Insurance Subsidies Cost Taxpayers?

Taxpayers will fork over nearly $10 billion more next year to cover double-digit premium hikes for subsidized health insurance under President Barack Obama’s law, according to a study released Thursday. The analysis from the Center for Health and Economy comes …

How Much Do U.S. Health Insurance Tax Breaks and Subsidies Cost?

U.S. taxpayers will fork over $660 billion this year to subsidize health insurance for people under 65, the vast majority of whom have coverage through their employers, the Congressional Budget Office said on Thursday. In its most comprehensive report on …

Affordable Care Act Marketplaces Enroll 9.9 Million

About 9.9 million people got health insurance coverage through the marketplaces set up by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act as of June 30, a decline from earlier in the year though still higher than the Obama administration’s target. …

Supreme Court Opinion To Have No Effect on Health Insurers: S&P

Today’s Supreme Court opinion upholding current tax subsidies under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) will not have any impact on rated U.S. not-for-profit and for-profit health insurance firms since it continues the current operating environment, according to a leading rating …

Ohio Democrats Want State to Create Health Insurance Exchange

Democratic lawmakers in Ohio want the state to consider creating its own health insurance exchange as the U.S. Supreme Court hears a challenge to President Barack Obama’s health care law. People can find health coverage through the exchanges, or marketplaces, …

States Have No Plans If Health Insurance Subsidies End

Millions of people could lose health insurance subsidies in the coming months if the Supreme Court sides with opponents of President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul. And one thing was clear last weekend as the nation’s governors gathered in Washington: …

What Will States Do If Court Kills Health Insurance Subsidies?

Five Republican state governors say they will not rescue a crucial part of Obamacare if it is struck down by the Supreme Court, underlining the prospect for a chaotic aftermath to a ruling that could force millions of Americans to …

Same Day, Different Court Obamacare Subsidies Upheld

Two U.S. appeals courts reached opposite conclusions on the legality of a key financing provision of the Affordable Care Act, increasing the chance of another showdown at the Supreme Court over President Barack Obama’s signature healthcare law. In majority ruling …

Court Rules Against Obamacare Subsidies for Federal Exchange Insureds

President Barack Obama’s healthcare overhaul suffered a potentially crippling blow as a U.S. appeals court ruled the government can’t give financial assistance to anyone buying coverage on the insurance marketplace run by federal authorities. The decision, if it withstands appeals, …

Obamacare to Hike Some, Lower Other Individual Health Premiums: Sebelius

President Barack Obama’s top healthcare adviser acknowledged on Tuesday that costs could rise in the individual health insurance market, particularly for men and younger people, because of the landmark 2010 healthcare restructuring due to take effect next year. U.S. Health …