healthcare costs News

Surgery, Not Pharma, Is Biggest Healthcare Cost Worry: Gawande

Dr. Atul Gawande, a surgeon who was named this week to head the company being formed by Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway and JPMorgan Chase to trim employee healthcare costs, on Thursday cited surgery as the single biggest U.S. healthcare cost and …

Out-of-Pocket Hospital Costs Were Rising 6.5% a Year… Before Obamacare

If you have private health insurance, the good news is you may be helping your employer keep its health care spending down. The bad news is it’s coming out of your pocket. The amount that people with private insurance still …

How Much Do U.S. Health Insurance Tax Breaks and Subsidies Cost?

U.S. taxpayers will fork over $660 billion this year to subsidize health insurance for people under 65, the vast majority of whom have coverage through their employers, the Congressional Budget Office said on Thursday. In its most comprehensive report on …

U.S. Health Care Cost Increases at Lowest Rate in Nearly 20 years: Aon

After plan design changes and vendor negotiations, the average health care rate increase for mid-size and large companies was 3.2 percent in 2015, marking the lowest rate increase since 1996, according to a new analysis by Aon. Aon projects average …

Health Costs in Record Slowdown But Do Consumers Notice?

The price of health care has grown more slowly than core consumer prices—what Americans spend on everything except food and energy—over the past five years. It’s the first time that’s happened since record-keeping started in 1959. That’s a remarkable break …

Here’s What’s Happening to Healthcare Costs for Typical Family

The cost of healthcare for a typical American family of four will rise about 6.3 percent this year, or $1,456, driven in great measure by higher prescription drug prices. The latest study by the consulting and actuarial firm Milliman Inc. …

Concerns Over Patient Safety a Top Concern for Hospital Leaders, Risk Managers: Study

The lack of teamwork combined with a negative culture and poor communication in hospitals today presents a barrier when it comes to patient safety in the future, according to a new survey. The survey results revealed a tension between what …

Obamacare to Hike Some, Lower Other Individual Health Premiums: Sebelius

President Barack Obama’s top healthcare adviser acknowledged on Tuesday that costs could rise in the individual health insurance market, particularly for men and younger people, because of the landmark 2010 healthcare restructuring due to take effect next year. U.S. Health …

A University Health System Says It Will Stop Hiring Smokers in Pennsylvania

The University of Pennsylvania Health System says it plans to stop hiring smokers and tobacco users. The policy starts in July at a system that includes the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. Applicants must be tobacco free for six …

Study Urges National Healthcare Spending Target

The United States could save $2 trillion in healthcare spending over the next decade, if the U.S. government used its influence in the public and private sectors to nudge soaring costs into line with economic growth, a study released on …