healthcare law News

C-SPAN Seeks to Broadcast Supreme Court Healthcare Case

A U.S. cable TV network and a senior Republican senator asked the Supreme Court Tuesday to allow its first live broadcast when it hears arguments in the legal dispute over President Barack Obama’s sweeping healthcare overhaul law. In a letter …

Federal Healthcare Law Seen Aiding Small Employers: Study

Fewer Americans are getting medical coverage through their jobs than a decade ago but the 2010 U.S. healthcare law should help stabilize employer-sponsored insurance, two studies released Tuesday showed. The studies, sponsored by the non-partisan Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, will …

U.S. Appeals Court Hears Arguments Over Healthcare Mandate Today

Lawyers for President Barack Obama go to court Tuesday to try to save the cornerstone of his healthcare overhaul, arguing that the requirement for Americans to buy insurance is constitutional. A three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for …

Appeals Court to Expedite Obama Healthcare Appeal

A U.S. Appeals Court agreed Friday to speed up the timetable for the Obama administration’s appeal of a federal judge’s ruling that struck down landmark healthcare overhaul law. The Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit in Atlanta said it …

Obama Administration Appeals Florida Judge’s Healthcare Ruling

The Obama administration Tuesday appealed a U.S. judge’s ruling in Florida that struck down its landmark healthcare overhaul law as unconstitutional because it required Americans to buy healthcare insurance or face a penalty. President Barack Obama’s Justice Department filed its …

Repeal of Healthcare Law 1099 Tax Requirement Passes House Committee

The House Ways and Means Committee has advanced a bill to repeal a tax reporting provision included in last year’s healthcare reform law. The Senate has already voted to repeal the 1099 form tax provision that would require businesses to …

Virginia Move Could Speed Up Supreme Court Review of Healthcare Law

Virginia said Thursday it will ask the U.S. Supreme Court to hear its challenge to President Barack Obama’s healthcare overhaul, bypassing the appeals process in a rarely used move to try to speed up a definitive ruling on the year-old …