healthcare reform News

Judge Stays Healthcare Ruling, Gives White House Appeal Deadline

A U.S. judge Thursday put on hold his ruling that President Barack Obama’s healthcare overhaul was unconstitutional, allowing the White House to continue implementing the landmark legislation for now. But U.S. District Judge Roger Vinson failed to dispel widespread uncertainty …

President Obama Backs Flexibility for States on Healthcare Law

President Barack Obama extended an olive branch on Monday to U.S. states struggling to implement his healthcare law, offering support for a proposal that would give them some flexibility in carrying out its key parts. Obama’s signature healthcare reform plan …

Another Federal Judge Dismisses Suit Against Healthcare Mandate

A federal judge this threw out a lawsuit claiming that President Barack Obama’s requirement that all Americans have health insurance violates the religious freedom of those who rely on God to protect them. U.S. District Judge Gladys Kessler in Washington, …

Mississippi Bill Lets Employers Buy Health Policies from Other States

The Mississippi House has approved a plan that would allow employers to buy group health insurance policies anywhere in the country, not just from Mississippi insurers. The House, by an 83-33 margin, passed a bill to enact a health insurance …

Florida Gov. Scott May Not Implement Healthcare Law

Florida’s Republican Governor Rick Scott signaled Tuesday that President Barack Obama’s landmark healthcare overhaul may not be implemented in the state as a legal battle over the law appears headed to the Supreme Court. Scott, a former healthcare executive, spoke …

Senate Republicans Press for Vote to Repeal Healthcare Law

Republicans moved Tuesday to force a U.S. Senate vote to repeal President Barack Obama’s healthcare overhaul — a day after a federal judge ruled that the law was unconstitutional. Obama’s fellow Democrats in the Senate were expected to block the …

Federal Judge in Florida Rules Healthcare Law Must Be Voided

A federal judge in Florida struck down President Barack Obama’s landmark healthcare overhaul as unconstitutional Monday in the biggest legal challenge yet to federal authority to enact the law. U.S. District Judge Roger Vinson ruled that the reform law’s so-called …

Republican Strategy: Prune Obamacare ‘Branch by Branch’

Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives Thursday launched a plan to replace President Barack Obama’s healthcare overhaul “branch by branch” with measures they say would bring down soaring costs. “The tree is rotten, you cut it down. If we …