healthcare reform News

Republicans See ‘Obamacare’ Issues as Key to 2014

If Republicans were writing a movie script for next year’s congressional elections, the working title might be “2014: Apocalypse of Obamacare.” The plot: The rollout of President Barack Obama’s health care law turns into such a disaster that enraged voters …

More Than 100 Insurers Sign Up for Healthcare Exchanges

Federally-run health insurance exchanges created under President Barack Obama’s healthcare law have drawn applications from 120 insurance plans and added at least one new insurer in 75 percent of the states, according to a White House memo. These exchanges, which …

Report: Oklahoma Should Expand Insurance Program

A consulting firm hired by Oklahoma to help answer the question of how to insure 200,000 people without health coverage told the state’s Medicaid board that an existing program could be used to build a broader system by 2015. Utah-based …

Revised Medicaid Expansion Backed by Louisiana House Panel

A proposal that would tap into federal funding available to offer insurance to the working poor narrowly received the backing of the House health committee, after two Republican lawmakers sided with Democrats to advance the bill. But one of those …

Ohio Insurance Director Warns of Healthcare-Related ID Scam

Ohio Lieutenant Governor and Insurance Director Mary Taylor issued an alert after reports surfaced that telephone con artists are attempting to steal Ohioans’ personal information using the Affordable Care Act (ACA) as a ploy. The scammers are claiming to be …

Feds Say Insure Oklahoma Program Must Change

An Oklahoma program that uses Medicaid funding to provide health insurance to 30,000 low-income Oklahomans must change in order to keep its funding, the federal government has said, even as a legislative plan that tries to make those changes seems …

ACE Launches New Management Liability Options for Health Care Organizations

The ACE Group has launched ACE Express Private Health Care Protection and ACE Express Not-For-Profit Health Care Protection policies specifically designed for the new exposures facing health care organizations. The policies address exposures such as an increase in False Claims …

Arkansas, Oklahoma: No Plans to Move State Workers to Health Exchanges

As lawmakers in the state of Washington consider moving some part-time government workers out of a state-sponsored health plan and into an insurance exchange developed under the nation’s new health care overhaul law, officials in Oklahoma and Arkansas say there …

Rules for Health ‘Navigators’ Head to Ohio Governor

A bill to require training and certification for a new group of professionals who will be available to guide consumers through the new health insurance market is on its way to Ohio Gov. John Kasich. The House agreed 87-7 to …

Arkansas House Passes ‘Private-Option’ Medicaid Funds

The Arkansas House on Tuesday approved a plan to use federal Medicaid funds to buy private insurance for low-income residents, with many Republicans saying the approach is the best way to maintain some control over provisions of a new federal …