healthcare reform News

Corporate Winners, Losers Under Supreme Court Healthcare Ruling

Hospitals and insurers providing Medicaid plans for the poor emerged as the main corporate winners from the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to uphold President Barack Obama’s healthcare law, while investors in large insurers were left deflated. The ruling paves the …

Supreme Court to Deliver Obama Healthcare Ruling

The U.S. Supreme Court is set to deliver on Thursday its ruling on President Barack Obama’s 2010 healthcare overhaul, his signature domestic policy achievement, in a historic case that could hand him a huge triumph or a stinging rebuke just …

Today’s Supreme Court Healthcare Ruling: Possible Scenarios, Effects

The U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling on President Barack Obama’s 2010 healthcare law, expected on Thursday, may have wide-ranging political and economic implications. Here is a look at possible scenarios for Americans, healthcare providers, insurers, the law and the presidential campaign. …

Michigan Residents Due $13.9M in Health Care Rebates

The federal government says 114,000 Michigan residents will get rebates from insurance companies under the Obama administration’s Affordable Care Act. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said the $13.9 million in rebates means about 65,000 families will get an …

Health Insurer UnitedHealth Vows to Keep Reforms Whatever Court Decides

UnitedHealth Group Inc., the largest U.S. health insurer by market value, said it would maintain the health coverage protections included in President Barack Obama’s healthcare law regardless of how the Supreme Court rules on the legislation. The Supreme Court is …

Lawmakers Say Oklahoma Insurance Options Could Increase Under Proposal

Oklahomans could have the opportunity to purchase insurance from companies across the nation under legislation approved by a state House of Representatives committee. Senate Bill 1059, by state Sen. Bill Brown and state Rep. Lewis Moore, would create the “Health …

Path Set for Accountable Care Organizations in Healthcare Delivery

Even if the U.S. Supreme Court strikes down the Obama administration-backed healthcare reform legislation, accountable care organizations (ACOs) — models aimed at improving the quality of healthcare delivery while decreasing costs — are likely to survive, say a panel of …

Arkansas Clarifies Definition of Small Employer for Healthcare Issues

Arkansas has clarified that it will retain the current statutory definition of a small employer as being one that retains 2 to 50 employees for purposes of small group health insurance issues. The Arkansas Insurance Department made the distinction, however, …

6 Ways Supreme Court Could Rule on Healthcare Law

The Supreme Court has several options in ruling on President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul, from upholding the law to striking it down in its entirety. The court also could avoid deciding the law’s constitutionality at all, if it finds …

Supreme Court Readies for Healthcare Debate

Death, taxes and now health insurance? Having a medical plan or else paying a fine is about to become another certainty of American life, unless the Supreme Court says no. People are split over the wisdom of President Barack Obama’s …