healthcare repeal News

Health Insurers Nervous Over Prospect of Romney Victory

You’d think health insurance CEOs would be chilling the bubbly with Republican Mitt Romney’s improved election prospects, but instead they’re in a quandary. Although the industry hates parts of President Barack Obama’s health care law, major outfits such as UnitedHealth …

Republican Leaders Vow Healthcare Law Repeal

The two top Republicans in Congress vowed on Sunday to push ahead with efforts to repeal President Barack Obama’s healthcare law despite the Supreme Court upholding it, but the White House said it is time to stop fighting and start …

Undoing Health Care Law Could Produce Ripple Effects

It sounds like a silver lining. Even if the Supreme Court overturns President Barack Obama’s health care law, employers can keep offering popular coverage for the young adult children of their workers. But here’s the catch: The parents’ taxes would …

What to Expect If Supreme Court Strikes Down Obamacare

If the Supreme Court strikes down President Barack Obama’s health care law, employers and insurance companies โ€” not the government โ€” will be the main drivers of change over the next decade and maybe even longer. They’ll borrow some ideas …

Part of Mississippi Healthcare Suit Placed on Hold

A federal judge has put on hold portions of a Mississippi lawsuit against Obama administration’s health care law. U.S. District Judge Keith Starrett, in a ruling issued Nov. 23, stayed consideration of parts of the April 2010 lawsuit not involving …

Supreme Court to Hear Federal Healthcare Mandate

The Obama administration Monday cleared the way for the Supreme Court to decide in its 2011-12 term the president’s signature healthcare law that requires Americans to buy insurance or face a penalty. A Justice Department spokeswoman said it decided against …

Federal Judge Rejects Health Insurance Mandate in Latest Case

A federal judge in Pennsylvania said the insurance-buying mandate in President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul is unconstitutional, the latest ruling over an issue likely to be taken up by the U.S. Supreme Court. U.S. District Judge Christopher Conner in …

U.S. Appeals Court Hears Arguments Over Healthcare Mandate Today

Lawyers for President Barack Obama go to court Tuesday to try to save the cornerstone of his healthcare overhaul, arguing that the requirement for Americans to buy insurance is constitutional. A three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for …

Appeals Court to Expedite Obama Healthcare Appeal

A U.S. Appeals Court agreed Friday to speed up the timetable for the Obama administration’s appeal of a federal judge’s ruling that struck down landmark healthcare overhaul law. The Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit in Atlanta said it …

Senate Republicans Press for Vote to Repeal Healthcare Law

Republicans moved Tuesday to force a U.S. Senate vote to repeal President Barack Obama’s healthcare overhaul — a day after a federal judge ruled that the law was unconstitutional. Obama’s fellow Democrats in the Senate were expected to block the …