heavy rain floods News

UK Insurers Ready to Aid Recovery from Storm Desmond ABI Assures Policyholders

The Association of British Insurers (ABI) has issued a bulletin reassuring homeowners and businesses hit by Storm Desmond that insurers “are doing everything possible to help them recover.” The ABI listed some of the steps insurers are taking as follows: …

AIR Worldwide Analyzes ‘Significant Damage’ from Cyclone Phailin

According to catastrophe modeling firm AIR Worldwide “Very Severe Cyclonic Storm Phailin made landfall on the eastern coast of India near Gopalpur in Odisha.” AIR said it was a “large storm, with gale force winds (63 km/h [39 mph]) extending …

Mass Evacuation Saves Lives as Cyclone Phailin Strikes India

A mass evacuation saved thousands of people from India’s fiercest cyclone in 14 years, but aid workers warned a million would need help after their homes and livelihoods were destroyed. Cyclone Phailin was expected to dissipate within 36 hours, losing …