heavy rains floods News

Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Sri Lanka Hit by Heavy Rains, Floods: AIR

According to catastrophe modeling firm AIR Worldwide, the rains of the past week across Southeast Asia have been much higher than average, even for a period during which Southeast Asian countries normally experience heavy monsoon rains. AIR noted that “severe …

Germany, Czech Republic Brace for more Flooding after Heavy Rains

Heavy rainfall swelled already full rivers in southern and eastern Germany on Saturday, prompting authorities to reinforce flood defenses after at least two people drowned in recent days. Water levels on the Rhine, Danube and Neckar rivers have risen steadily, …

Heavy Rains Flood Argentina’s Capital; 5 Dead

Torrential rains in Argentina’s capital triggered flooding responsible for at least five deaths on Tuesday. A record 6.1 inches (155 millimeters) of rain fell in just two hours in Buenos Aires. That’s equal to all of the normal rainfall for …