hemp regulation News

Texas Lawmakers Zero In on Exploding Hemp Industry

Austin hemp entrepreneur Shayda Torabi is looking at a year filled with uncertainty. For the six years they’ve been in business, Torabi and her two sisters have operated Restart, their hemp dispensary, in a modest neighborhood in North Austin within …

South Carolina CBD Stores Face Uncertainty, Raids After AG Opinion on Hemp

Top Hat Tobacco and Cigar owner Todd Smith was on his way out of town July 13 for a rare day off when his phone rang. A friend manning the store for him was on the other end, and told …

Virginia Hemp Crop Harvested for 1st Time in Decades

Among the many crops grown on Glenn Rodes’ family farm in Rockingham County, this summer was one that has not been cultivated in Virginia for decades but that may have a chance at a comeback now, thanks to a slow …