high-risk loans News

Dangers of Booming Securitized Loan Market Highlighted by Bank for Int’l Settlements

Lending standards in the rapidly growing loan market are deteriorating and complex financial products that mask risks to banks have parallels with the run-up to the 2008 financial crisis, the Bank for International Settlements warned on Sunday. The number of …

Regulators Warn But Slow to Fix Blind Spots on Rising Risky Corporate Debt

The steady drumbeat of warnings over the surge in risky corporate borrowing is growing louder and louder. Time and again, regulators in the U.S. and Europe have pointed to the hazards of businesses taking on too much debt. At issue …

Colorado Car Dealers Installing GPS to Protect Risky Loans

Some Colorado car dealers who are approving high-risk loans for the vehicles they sell are installing GPS tracking units to protect their investments. According to KREX-T, the use of tracking units is an industry-wide practice, but few buyers are aware …